Pat Colgan

Pat Colgan, Chief Executive, Special EU Programmes Body

Pat Colgan, joined the Special EU Programmes Body in September 2004 from the Austrian Institute for Spatial Planning and Regional Development where he was Head of the INTERACT Secretariat – an EU funded Programme which provided assistance to cross border, interregional and transnational co-operation programmes. He is a member of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Expert Group set up by the EU’s Committee of the Regions.

Pat has been involved in the design, delivery and evaluation of EU funded programmes and other public policy programmes in all of the member states. He was Team Leader for the Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Implementation Methods of Structural Funds on behalf of the European Commission. He also worked with a number of the new member states and accession countries in their preparation for joining the EU.

Pat has worked with the Irish Management Institute, KPMG and the former Irish Goods Council (now part of Enterprise Ireland).

Pat Colgan’s presentation on FAB6.

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