Jan Morrison

Executive Director, TIES (Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM)
Executive Director, Envision Excellence in STEM Education (501(c)3)

As the Executive Director of TIES and Envision Excellence in STEM and a recognized leader in STEM education, Jan provides vital support to National and State STEM initiatives most recently serving as the Senior STEM advisor to The White House and the U.S. Department of Education in development of their sweeping Race to the Top and Innovate to Educate education reform programs. Current national engagements include her work as the Senior Consultant for STEM Education for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, NASA STEM education initiatives, Battelle Memorial Institute, the Philanthropy Roundtable, the National Governors Association, Innovate-Educate Mexico, the National Association for College Admission Counseling, the Lemelson Center at the Smithsonian and the National Academy of Engineering as it developed the SEEK-16 project. She also serves on the task force designing the national engineering education standards and is a co-contributor in the national task force investigating the efficacy of AP engineering and pre-engineering.

Jan is currently advising the following states as they craft their vision for STEM education; Arizona, California, Maryland, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas and Washington. In that capacity, her work on curriculum and professional development and project-based learning is reaching millions of children in classrooms every day.

As a leader in engaging business and industry in the K-16 STEM education pipeline Jan also acts as STEM advisor to numerous corporations and philanthropies including General Electric, Intel, The Carnegie Foundation, Siemens and Chevron among others. Her work with these partners includes organizing regional and national convenings, speaking at industry conferences and customized briefings for senior management and community outreach staff. Her most recent focus has been building capacity within the energy sector to facilitate teacher training in cutting edge and emerging technologies to ensure current students are exposed to these vital career paths so the future U.S. workforce pipeline is filled with well trained STEM professionals ready to address our growing energy needs.

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