Comments for Fab 6 The sixth international Fab Lab conference Fri, 13 Aug 2010 13:49:51 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Programme by Jeff Sturges ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-175 Jeff Sturges Fri, 13 Aug 2010 13:49:51 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-175 Ed, I'd love to team up with you on the youth/beginner workshops for electronics, fab etc. I'd like to bring some ideas to the table, but also field ideas from other labs and see how others teach youth and beginners with Fab Lab equipment. it would be great to develop some 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 60min+ projects as we've discussed in the past, and put them up on an appropriate wiki. Ed, I’d love to team up with you on the youth/beginner workshops for electronics, fab etc. I’d like to bring some ideas to the table, but also field ideas from other labs and see how others teach youth and beginners with Fab Lab equipment. it would be great to develop some 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 60min+ projects as we’ve discussed in the past, and put them up on an appropriate wiki.

Comment on Programme by Jan Borchers ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-168 Jan Borchers Wed, 11 Aug 2010 08:00:31 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-168 Hi! I'd like to run a "Mac Fabbing" workshop A lot of fab lab researchers, designers and artists use Apple Macintosh computers in their daily lives. So what does it take to run a fab lab on Macs? We established Germany's first Fab Lab in December 2009, and we are striving to run it using an all-Mac environment. We'd like to share what we learned, and find out how others are doing. - Prof. Jan Borchers, RWTH Aachen University Hi! I’d like to run a “Mac Fabbing” workshop

A lot of fab lab researchers, designers and artists use Apple Macintosh computers in their daily lives. So what does it take to run a fab lab on Macs? We established Germany’s first Fab Lab in December 2009, and we are striving to run it using an all-Mac environment. We’d like to share what we learned, and find out how others are doing.

- Prof. Jan Borchers, RWTH Aachen University

Comment on Programme by Peter Troxler ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-113 Peter Troxler Wed, 21 Jul 2010 07:05:10 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-113 @Ed ... we're just finalizing the preliminary programme, there will be a microcontroller tutorial anyway ... maybe a place for you to chip in? however, by commenting on this page your offer has been noted. further, when registering for the conference, you'll be able to state your contribution there. / pt @Ed … we’re just finalizing the preliminary programme, there will be a microcontroller tutorial anyway … maybe a place for you to chip in?

however, by commenting on this page your offer has been noted. further, when registering for the conference, you’ll be able to state your contribution there.

/ pt

Comment on Programme by Ed Baafi ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-112 Ed Baafi Sat, 17 Jul 2010 20:02:50 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-112 Hi All, How does one sign up to run a workshop? I left a comment yesterday but it somehow got lost.. If people are interested in a workshop on electronics for (or introducing electronics to) beginners, I'd be happy to run such a workshop with Modkit ( and fablab built arduinos.. We've also been developing some solderless electronic kits called Crimp Cards ( that can be made on the laser and vinyl cutters.. They are released along with instructions under a creative commons license so that other labs can use them in workshops and I'd be happy to introduce those as well.. Best, Ed Hi All,

How does one sign up to run a workshop? I left a comment yesterday but it somehow got lost..

If people are interested in a workshop on electronics for (or introducing electronics to) beginners, I’d be happy to run such a workshop with Modkit ( and fablab built arduinos.. We’ve also been developing some solderless electronic kits called Crimp Cards ( that can be made on the laser and vinyl cutters.. They are released along with instructions under a creative commons license so that other labs can use them in workshops and I’d be happy to introduce those as well..


Comment on Programme by Ed Baafi ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-110 Ed Baafi Sat, 17 Jul 2010 00:49:07 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-110 Hi All, It's Ed from the Boston lab.. Where do I sign up as a workshop leader? If people are interested in a workshop on electronics (or teaching electronics) for beginners, I would be happy to run one.. One of the biggest challenges our lab has had since opening over six years ago has been lowering the barrier to building with electronics.. After meeting and talking to many of you over the years, I understand we were not alone in this challenge.. Modkit is the result of our work to address this challenge.. The Modkit visual code editor ( was heavily inspired by Scratch ( and works with any Arduino ( compatible board including those that can be made in Fab Labs for about $5US.. We are also developing electronic kits ( which can be built with the tools in the average fab lab.. These kits are released under a creative commons license so other labs can create them for use in workshops.. I'm excited to share this work with the rest of the network.. Thanks, Ed Hi All,

It’s Ed from the Boston lab.. Where do I sign up as a workshop leader? If people are interested in a workshop on electronics (or teaching electronics) for beginners, I would be happy to run one..

One of the biggest challenges our lab has had since opening over six years ago has been lowering the barrier to building with electronics.. After meeting and talking to many of you over the years, I understand we were not alone in this challenge..

Modkit is the result of our work to address this challenge.. The Modkit visual code editor ( was heavily inspired by Scratch ( and works with any Arduino ( compatible board including those that can be made in Fab Labs for about $5US.. We are also developing electronic kits ( which can be built with the tools in the average fab lab.. These kits are released under a creative commons license so other labs can create them for use in workshops..

I’m excited to share this work with the rest of the network..


Comment on Programme by Peter Troxler ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-109 Peter Troxler Thu, 15 Jul 2010 20:04:57 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-109 @ Betty: cool ... your input will be most welcome, and sure we'll have to compare notes ;) your proposal is already being scheduled in / Peter @ Betty: cool … your input will be most welcome, and sure we’ll have to compare notes ;)

your proposal is already being scheduled in / Peter

Comment on Programme by Betty Barrett ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-107 Betty Barrett Fri, 09 Jul 2010 20:29:22 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-107 All, Three of us are coming from a new lab in Champaign Urbana Illinois and we are hoping to bring home as much information and as many stories as we can to put together some type of guide or hand book on how to start a Fab Lab. We want to focus on the early stage problems and successes so that others who are beginning can build on the expertise and experiences of the rest of us. I don't know if this is a work shop but would be glad to put one on and recruit others to join. All,
Three of us are coming from a new lab in Champaign Urbana Illinois and we are hoping to bring home as much information and as many stories as we can to put together some type of guide or hand book on how to start a Fab Lab. We want to focus on the early stage problems and successes so that others who are beginning can build on the expertise and experiences of the rest of us. I don’t know if this is a work shop but would be glad to put one on and recruit others to join.

Comment on Programme by Markus Hormeß ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-103 Markus Hormeß Tue, 06 Jul 2010 19:42:13 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-103 I'd like to propose a workshop on Creating the User Experience Description: A Fab Lab is not only a fabrication resource, it can also be seen as a (complex) service to Fab Labs users.  As such, the Fab Lab is much more than a place to make (almost) anything -- it is an *experience* to make (almost) anything.  Currently in business, people are associating "design thinking", the "Internet" and Web 2.0, open innovation and collaborative structures with the topic of "service design".  Design thinking, Internet, open innovation and collaborative structures are equally some of the core ingredients of a Fab Lab. This workshop will combine these core ingredients to look at how a user experiences the Fab Lab -- Where the experience actually begins (and ends, if at all), how this experience emerges from Fab Lab use and how this experience can intentionally be designed, created and supported.  This could lead to a new appreciation of assets and core competencies, products or services of a Fab Lab, a fresh look at what users need or want, and the recognition of the ecosystem of partnerships or external relationships surrounding a Fab Lab. Take Away for participants: -- a "lens" to look at assets and offerings through the eyes of the users -- knowledge of tools & methods to assess the user experience -- understanding of the ecosystem; an overview over proven design tools for the creation and the improvement of a WOW! FabLab experience (This workshop builds on discussions at the Fab Lab Barcamp Bremen) I’d like to propose a workshop on Creating the User Experience


A Fab Lab is not only a fabrication resource, it can also be seen as a (complex) service to Fab Labs users.  As such, the Fab Lab is much more than a place to make (almost) anything — it is an *experience* to make (almost) anything.  Currently in business, people are associating “design thinking”, the “Internet” and Web 2.0, open innovation and collaborative structures with the topic of “service design”.  Design thinking, Internet, open innovation and collaborative structures are equally some of the core ingredients of a Fab Lab.
This workshop will combine these core ingredients to look at how a user experiences the Fab Lab — Where the experience actually begins (and ends, if at all), how this experience emerges from Fab Lab use and how this experience can intentionally be designed, created and supported.  This could lead to a new appreciation of assets and core competencies, products or services of a Fab Lab, a fresh look at what users need or want, and the recognition of the ecosystem of partnerships or external relationships surrounding a Fab Lab.

Take Away for participants:

– a “lens” to look at assets and offerings through the eyes of the users
– knowledge of tools & methods to assess the user experience
– understanding of the ecosystem; an overview over proven design tools for the creation and the improvement of a WOW! FabLab experience

(This workshop builds on discussions at the Fab Lab Barcamp Bremen)

Comment on Programme by Karsten Joost ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-88 Karsten Joost Tue, 29 Jun 2010 17:28:31 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-88 I'd like to propose a workshop on Creative Pool Description: Creative Pool is the name of a proposal for an exchange platform for teachers/instructors who work with/in Fab Labs and who would want to share their expertise with other labs. Work can be as varied as seminars, workshops, contests, etc. The platform would allow Fab Labs to invite teachers/instructors to give a certain course or workshop. The platform would also include some kind of quality management system based on participants' evaluation of these courses/workshops. The workshop aims to discuss that proposal, address challenges and opportunities, to form an initial group of people interested in the "Creative Pool", and to establish a tentative first set of rules for it. To build up a circle of know-how around the platform fablab in collaboration also with independent freelancers, driven by their own motivation, is a central point in "Creative Pool". Take Away for participants: -- Initial network of "Creative Pool" members -- Initial "rules" for the "Creative Pool" (This workshop is also supported by Elmine Wijnia) Karsten Joost I’d like to propose a workshop on Creative Pool


Creative Pool is the name of a proposal for an exchange platform for teachers/instructors who work with/in Fab Labs and who would want to share their expertise with other labs. Work can be as varied as seminars, workshops, contests, etc. The platform would allow Fab Labs to invite teachers/instructors to give a certain course or workshop. The platform would also include some kind of quality management system based on participants’ evaluation of these courses/workshops.
The workshop aims to discuss that proposal, address challenges and opportunities, to form an initial group of people interested in the “Creative Pool”, and to establish a tentative first set of rules for it. To build up a circle of know-how around the platform fablab in collaboration also with independent freelancers, driven by their own motivation, is a central point in “Creative Pool”.

Take Away for participants:

– Initial network of “Creative Pool” members
– Initial “rules” for the “Creative Pool”

(This workshop is also supported by Elmine Wijnia)

Karsten Joost

Comment on Programme by Peter Troxler ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-87 Peter Troxler Tue, 29 Jun 2010 12:54:14 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-87 I'd like to propose another workshop on Community Building Description: The Netherlands has a large density of FabLab initiatives (3 operational labs, about 5 in various stages of development, all within 2.5 hrs driving distance). This gives us unique opportunities. Globally the FabLab network is highly fragmented. As FabLabs are started, especially if its a completely local initiative, they are focussed on bootstrapping themselves into existence, not on connecting to the outside world. This workshop will address the existing building blocks of how to start a community, the challenges we face in doing so, and it will suggest and discuss possible solutions to these challenges. Take Away for participants: -- Insight in the nature and theory of communities -- Understanding of the challenges and ideas for solutions -- Initiatives to implement some of the solutions (This workshop builds on the post and discussion initiated by Ton Zylstra here: I’d like to propose another workshop on Community Building


The Netherlands has a large density of FabLab initiatives (3 operational labs, about 5 in various stages of development, all within 2.5 hrs driving distance). This gives us unique opportunities. Globally the FabLab network is highly fragmented. As FabLabs are started, especially if its a completely local initiative, they are focussed on bootstrapping themselves into existence, not on connecting to the outside world.
This workshop will address the existing building blocks of how to start a community, the challenges we face in doing so, and it will suggest and discuss possible solutions to these challenges.

Take Away for participants:

– Insight in the nature and theory of communities
– Understanding of the challenges and ideas for solutions
– Initiatives to implement some of the solutions

(This workshop builds on the post and discussion initiated by Ton Zylstra here:

Comment on Programme by Peter Troxler ./programme/comment-page-1/#comment-86 Peter Troxler Tue, 29 Jun 2010 12:45:15 +0000 ./?page_id=247#comment-86 I'd like to run a workshop on Fab Lab Business Models Description: There is no single business model for a Fab Lab; rather it emerges from various local initiatives, Neil was cited in the German magazine "GEO" in April 2003. Each Fab Lab has its own model of funding, and often this model evolves over time. New Fab Lab initiatives are looking for start-up funding; others approach the end of their current funding cycle. Developing and innovating the business model is key to sustaining the Fab Labs. We will discuss ways of developing business models, look at a "business model canvas" as a template to develop business models. The University of Lucerne who are hosting the first Swiss Fab Lab will be reporting on the review of Fab Lab business models carried out in early 2010. Take Away for participants: -- business model canvas; -- insight in business models currently in operation; -- contacts with those who "share the pain" of developing/innovating Fab Lab business models (This workshops builds on the work done for the Fablabs in Luzern and Basel and on discussions with Markus Horneß (Nürnberg) and the people from Fablab Groningen) I’d like to run a workshop on Fab Lab Business Models


There is no single business model for a Fab Lab; rather it emerges from various local initiatives, Neil was cited in the German magazine “GEO” in April 2003. Each Fab Lab has its own model of funding, and often this model evolves over time. New Fab Lab initiatives are looking for start-up funding; others approach the end of their current funding cycle. Developing and innovating the business model is key to sustaining the Fab Labs.
We will discuss ways of developing business models, look at a “business model canvas” as a template to develop business models. The University of Lucerne who are hosting the first Swiss Fab Lab will be reporting on the review of Fab Lab business models carried out in early 2010.

Take Away for participants:

– business model canvas;
– insight in business models currently in operation;
– contacts with those who “share the pain” of developing/innovating Fab Lab business models

(This workshops builds on the work done for the Fablabs in Luzern and Basel and on discussions with Markus Horneß (Nürnberg) and the people from Fablab Groningen)

Comment on Neil Gershenfeld by Paulien ./speakers/neil-gershenfeld/comment-page-1/#comment-7 Paulien Thu, 20 May 2010 10:00:21 +0000 ./?p=49#comment-7 In the coming days there will be more insights In the coming days there will be more insights

Comment on Neil Gershenfeld by Mr. Miyagi ./speakers/neil-gershenfeld/comment-page-1/#comment-5 Mr. Miyagi Tue, 11 May 2010 12:48:18 +0000 ./?p=49#comment-5 Hi, anything known about speakers? Hi, anything known about speakers?

Comment on Opening session by harrisandreson ./everything-and-the-kitchen-sink/opening/comment-page-1/#comment-3 harrisandreson Tue, 11 May 2010 08:35:12 +0000 ./?p=55#comment-3 I am glad to read the topic and the point of view that he is gonna tell us. thanks <a href="" rel="nofollow">cissp exam</a> I am glad to read the topic and the point of view that he is gonna tell us. thanks cissp exam
