
This year’s theme is Industrial [r]Evolution through which we will explore the implications and consequences of personal digital fabrication for art, business, industry, culture and education. We are poised on the threshold of a new era, like that of the Industrial Revolution, emerging from access to low-cost, high-precision fabrication tools and powerful Internet-based communication capabilities which are changing the ways we think about and approach innovation, invention, intellectual property, creative processes, computation, manufacturing and distribution, business models,  and social and cultural networks. In a world where anyone can access the tools to make or create almost anything, the  possibilities are limitless. This is the Industrial [r]Evolution, a socioeconomic and technical [r]evolution from mechanical means of production to digital means of production and communication.

FAB6 is hosted by MIT, Fab Foundation Netherlands, Waag Society, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and other local partners, it features participants from world-renowned education and research institutions.

Please see the meeting documentation from previous years:

  • FAB5 in Pune, India
  • FAB4 in Chicago, United States of America
  • FAB3 in Pretoria, South Africa
  • FAB2 in Norway

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