
/ 17 August, 10:30, Amersfoort /

Fablabs are a perfect setting for the development and making use of new sustainable solutions and cradle-to-cradle technology. This session will focus on recycling of local waste materials. Topics we aim to cover:

  • Plastic characteristics and identification, do’s and don’ts • The printer print project. As reprap inspired 3D printer, this project has stuck in the bootstrap phase (rep-strap). After starting to build a 3D printer using old matrix printer parts this project took flight when the maker decided to use ONLY parts that can be found in old printers. Following closely the advancements in deskjet-printing technology the last years, this project aims to realize a working 3D printer build from nothing but printer- parts, using recycled printer casings as extrusion material. More info can be found on In this workshop the models will be shown, quirks, merits, possible uses, required toolchain (recycling plastics, identification) etc. will be discussed.
  • Diana Wildschut demonstrates the ironing together of waste plastic into sheets which can be used in a laser cutter.
  • Harmen Zijp shows a prototype pyrolysis gasifier made from an old satelite dish and some chips bags, converting wood waste and sawdust into fuel and biochar.

Our hosts: Diana Wildschut en Harmen Zijp (De Spullenmannen)

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