Open up, make sharing work

/ 18 August, 10:30, Amersfoort /

The Fab Lab concept holds a promise for the development of cheap and publicly available technology and design once open source principles are put to work. However, most machines depend on commercial software, and sharing design within the Fab community is not (yet) made easy. This session will address the following topics:

  • Jaap Vermaas gives an overview of available Free and Open Source Software for the Fablab community.
  • Edwin Dertien presents Ottantotto. The ottantotto is an Arduino derivative, fully open source and tailored for work in interactive installations. It is compact, scalable and optimized for quick build / ease of wiring. It can be build in (at least) three flavours: compact (as in the flatpack walker), breadboard (like the boarduino) and full. Bare PCB’s cost roughly 2EUR, all parts included add a total of 10 $. In this workshop boards can be build, tailored, discussed and (mis) used for whatever project comes to table. Detailed documentation can be found on
  • Harmen Zijp calls for input on an online sharing tool for the Fab community: what is needed for sharing design in a useful way?
  • Open 3D-hardware: exchange of experience with various open designs of reprap and milling equipment

Hosted by Jaap Vermaas, Edwin Dertien, Harmen Zijp

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