Matthias Kohler

Matthias Kohler and Fabio Gramazio are joint partners in the architects’ office Gramazio & Kohler in Zurich. Their recent works include the sWISH* Pavilion at Expo.02 (for IBM and Swiss Re), the new Christmas illuminations in the Zurich Bahnhofstrasse as well as the contemporary dance institution “Tanzhaus Zurich”. Part of their professional activities includes developing innovative construction and material solutions. Owing to their interdisciplinary experience, Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler have a well-founded and specific understanding of the integration of CAD and CAM logic in the architectonic and construction process.

The research activities of the professorship for architecture and digital fabrication are concentrated on the development of fabrication processes for the additive production of highly informed, non-standardised architectonic products. Parallel to this, they develop strategies for architectural design that are capable of working with these new production possibilities. These are explored within the teaching process in terms of their architectonic, constructive and economic potential. An industrial robot installation developed by the assistant professorship with a processing space of approximately 6 x 3 metres is used for research and teaching and permits the direct construction of building parts on an architectonic scale.

To see the FAB6-presentation.

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