Karsten Joost

End of the eighties I learned my first profession (toolmaker) in a
Mercedes-Benz factory.

In the early nineties, I changed into a creative environment. I began working
as a photojournalist for a newspaper (taz). Parallel I studied art. First with
the focus on photography. My degree I received in the master class of the
Japanease sculpture Yuji Takeoka.

End of the nineties I started working in an art-museum (Kunsthalle-Bremen). As
a projectmanager I worked in the technical department.

Since two years I am interrested in Fab Lab. Februar 2010 together with a
colleague, I organised the first german Fab Lab-barcamp (fablabcamp.mixxt.de).

In my hometown Bremen I like to build up a Fab Lab with the main focus on

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