Larry Sass

Larry Sass is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture at MIT, where he conducts advanced research and teaching in the field of Digital Fabrication. He began his studies in the early 1990s, working with hyper-realistic rendering and animation programs for design exploration.Today research questions are based on the use of digital fabrication equipment and software to reason through design problems.

His ongoing research demonstrates that buildings can be designed and constructed in paperless environments – using CAD/CAM for fabrication. Current research projects are focused on the advancement of design tools for fabrication laboratories. His long-term goals are to develop design and fabrication tools that better mediate the relationships between – and engender ongoing communications with – designers, the physical and virtual models they produce, and the actual physical buildings that get constructed and need to be maintained.

Before going into academia, Professor Sass worked for several large architectural practices in Boston and New York between 1990 and 2001. He received his B. Arch. from Pratt Institute, and his M.S. Arch. and Ph.D. degrees from MIT. Professor Sass teaches four overly subscribed courses on digital fabrication at MIT, and serves as the Director of Digital Design and Fabrication Group within the School of Architecture.

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