Design competition

/ 20 August, 16:00, Amsterdam /

The week of FAB6 happens to be the same week when the Tall Ships arrive in Amsterdam for The Sail event. We’ll cohabitate with these splendid seafaring vessels during our stay, so why not use them as inspiration? The goal is to make a water worthy vessel, and include two or more fab lab processes in your design. Your FAB vessels can be any size, any shape, can float a person or not, but all entries will be publicly demonstrated in one of the famed canals of Amsterdam in our Small Ship Sail on Friday afternoon August 20. First prize is $2,500  toward travel to your favorite Fab Lab, or toward a fabrication machine you’ve been eyeing for a while. Other prizes as well…details below.

Sailing Rules:

  • Must be water worthy
  • Must use at least one fab lab tool and process
  • Must be made in the fab lab
  • Can’t cost more than $200 in materials, can decorate as you wish, but all functional and structural components must be made, programmed, constructed in fab lab.  (So equipping it with an outboard motor is fun and cool, but won’t help you win, unless of course you made the outboard motor in the Fab Lab!)
  • Must be physically present and demonstrated in the canals of Amsterdam on Friday afternoon, August 20.

Entry Classes:
Large vessel: Floats/carries a living person weighing between 50 and 150 Kilos
Small vessel: Moves in water and is water worthy
Cool vessel: Wild interpretations and/or uses most Fab Lab tools and processes.

Entries need to be documented as follows.
To register for the competition you need to create a webpage (and send us the link) that includes:

  • Your name or your team’s name
  • Your email address/contact information
  • Name of your entry
  • Class of your entry
  • A drawing or digital design generally of what you hope to make (can be somewhat vague)
  • A written description of what you hope to make

Before the competition on Friday you need to log in again and update your web page to include:

  • At least one picture of the finished (or almost finished) vessel
  • A written description of what you made and how you made it
  • Any design or fabrication files, or programming files you made and are willing to share with the rest of us.

1st Prize overall= $2500 toward travel costs to your favorite Fab Lab in the world or toward a fabrication machine or tools you’ve been dying to purchase.
2nd Prize overall = $1000 toward materials (electronics, wood, acrylic, etc.) and small tools  for your Fab Lab or toward your own fabrication project.
3rd Prizes:
Large Vessel = $250
Small Vessel = $250
Cool Vessel = $250

We will cover the cost of shipping one consolidated package of entries from each participating country.  You will need to self organize to figure out which lab will be the consolidator in your country and then let Scott and Lass know how you want to handle. We suggest shipping two weeks before the competition, that is no later than August 5. We can probably organize shippers in your area if you have difficulty doing this.  The smaller entries or parts that aren’t heavy or difficult to carry, we encourage you to bring with you to Amsterdam in your luggage (not carry on!).  We’re just concerned with  the large and/or heavy entries. So if you are making a large vessel, then you need to cut it out on ShopBot or other tool, and then ship it in flat pieces, to be put together in Amsterdam before the contest on Friday.

Contacts for questions or to register for the contest:
Scott Simenson Century College
Sherry Lassiter MIT

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