Building a community

/ 16 August, 13:30, Amsterdam /

This multi-workshop contains the following subjects:
Creative pool
Proposal for an exchange platform for teachers/instructors who work with/in FabLabs and who would want to share their expertise with other labs.

Hosted by Karsten Joost

Hosted by Amy, Keith, Millner, Lass

Community building
The Benelux has a large density of Fab Lab initiatives (8 operational labs, about 11 in various stages of development, all within 2.5 hrs driving distance). This gives us unique opportunities. This workshop will address the existing building blocks of how to start a communicty, the challenges we face in doing so, and it will suggest and discuss possible solutions to these challenges.

Hosted by Ton Zijlstra

Creating the User Experience
Currently in business, people are associating ” design thinking”. We suggest to use “design thinking” to look at how a user experiences the Fab Lab.

Hosted by Markus Edgar Hormeß

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