Open Design

/ 18 August, 10:30, Amsterdam /

The way everything around us is designed, made and distributed will change. This process has both social and technological origins. On the one hand, you have the rapidly growing do-it-yourself (DIY) culture that bases itself on transparency and the sharing of knowledge, and on the other, you have the democratisation of affordable and flexible production technologies that make personal fabrication possible.

Together these developments ensure the creation of a global network of producers who can determine a large part of the physical world by making optimal use of knowledge-sharing over the internet.

To make open design possible, not only online community platforms and open access to technology are necessary, but also open licenses that allow guaranteed sharing of knowledge and ideas.

In the open design session we will give an overview of all aspects of open design, but most importantly we will put open design into practice by creating new products derived from existing designs. All the new designs will enter the (un)limited design contest.

The Open Design session is hosted by: Bas van Abel (Waag Society), Matt Cottam (Telart) and Peter Troxler.

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