
/ 17 August, 10:30, Groningen /

This multi-workshop handles:
Fab Lab outreach: labs sponsoring labs
Interesting phenomenon appearing in the network, that of labs sponsoring labs in foreign locations, do we formalize the process and find a way support it in terms of capacity? Building  network of Gurus for worldwide support.

Hosted by Klaas Hernamdt, Haakon Karlsen, Betty Jo Barrett

Fab Lab ecosystem: operational capacity
Operational instruments like national networks, US network, regional Fab Foundations, and the operational infrastructure (web presence, NFLN, Fab Foundations) and instruments.

Hosted by Peter Troxler (Luzern), Klaas Hernamdt (Dutch Fab Foundation)

Fab fund: investment and production

One of the topics in the Operations track on outreach and business.

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